Intuiface Consulting Services

Need a hand with your project? Take a look at our service offerings.

1:1 Consultation Sessions

training service

You've got the basics well in hand but have come across a challenging design idea and are unsure how to solve it. That's where our consultants come in. Speak with an expert over a live screen sharing session and grease the wheels of progress.

Platform Essential and Platform Premier plans include one 30 minute consulting session each subscription year; Platform Enterprise plans include two 30 minute sessions each subscription year. (These don't roll over from one year to the next, so be sure to use them!)

In addition, you can purchase one-hour blocks for 200($/€) per hour. You set the agenda, provide any necessary prep materials in advance, and then work with our consultant to conquer your project demons.

Interested? Contact us to schedule a session.

Bootstrap My Project

bootstrap service
  • In a rush to present a live interactive experience to a prospective client and want to win the deal? 
  • Need a sure way to convince your organization that Intuiface is the right product for the job?
  • Know that Intuiface is the tool for you but need a hand to kickstart your first project?
  • Love Intuiface but your deadline is too soon for you to get all the work done by yourself?
  • Want to create templates you can reuse across multiple client engagements?

For a 5,000($/€) fixed price, we bootstrap your project:

  1. You give us your wireframes / mock-ups / storyboards, media, Excel-based datastore and/or any source of inspiration (video, website etc.).
  2. We build an interactive project framework based on your input for you to take over and complete.
  3. At both the mid-point review and final delivery, a live screen sharing session is conducted by one of Intuiface's design experts. You will be walked through the approach taken to implement each feature, dramatically accelerating your Intuiface learning curve. 
  4. Think of the final deliverable as a Version 1 implementation of your interactive content, suitable both for proof-of-concept discussions with clients / internal stakeholders as well as for giving you a head start and the skills to complete the project.

We've already earned the trust of thousands of companies across the globe. We guarantee you 100% satisfaction or you will get a full refund. We're not kidding!

Contact us today and mention "Bootstrap my project"!

Analytics Services

bootstrap service

In digital signage, analytics is the discipline concerned with data collection at or near the screen to identify opportunities for improving project success and to acquire insights for better business performance. The beauty of interactive content vs. traditional broadcast digital signage is you actually have something to measure! The trick is knowing what to measure and how to visualize it.

Analytics Insight

At no cost to you, we’ll use a live, one-hour session to review project details and goals and then provide you with a set of ideal Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs would be the best measures for identifying progress towards goal fulfillment and areas to focus on for improving deployment success.

Book our free, one hour "Analytics Insight" consulting session

Analytics Bootstrap

This for-fee engagement begins with Analytics Insight and adds hands-on guidance for creating Intuiface experiences that will collect the appropriate data for identified KPIs and creating charts that will most effectively show KPI trends. Clients will become proficient with Intuiface Analytics, our dedicated analytics platform, building the skills to pursue analytics initiatives on other projects. The Bootstrap concludes with a 30-day post-deployment review to ensure the right KPIs were identified, and the right charts are being used to visualize them.

Contact us today and mention "Analytics Bootstrap"