If you like human contact, if you're tired of sitting in an empty room staring at a web cam, have we got a solution for you!
Come to Barcelona between 3-Feburary and 7-February, head to the Fira Barcelona Convention Center, and visit us at Integrated Systems Europe 2025! It's the biggest AV show of the year, approaching 100k attendees and 1500 exhibitors.
Intuiface will be showcased in Hall 4, Booth 4K280. You'll find lots of smart people, boatloads of touch displays, and the latest developments and plans on our roadmap.
Click the button below for additional details, a form for scheduling 1:1 time with us at the show, and a coupon for free entrance to the Exhibit Hall.
Hope to see you there!
We've done it, folks. The last domino to fall.
Long-time customers know that we completely rebuilt Player from the ground up and released it on all platforms - but Windows. In fact, if you have Player on any of those other platforms - like Android, BrightSign, or iOS- you're already using Next Gen technology.
Well now we have Player Next Gen on Windows.
Player Next Gen significantly lowers resource utilization, which improves performance across all types of devices. But just as importantly, it paves the way for very big enhancements we'll be bringing to you throughout2025.
Legacy Customers: The original Windows-based Player is now known as Player Classic. The product called Player embeds Next Gen technology.
We've written up a detailed FAQ to make sure everything is crystal clear. Meanwhile, the table is set for a lot of innovation to come!
The #1 requested feature for Headless CMS is the ability to reorder items in a collection. The roll-out has begun.
Here's what's happening:
This phased approach enables us to work on other features in parallel. You'll love the results.
HEY! Not familiar with Intuiface's content management system? There's a very good chance your project will be better off if you use it, and you're already entitled. Why not give it a look!
Check out our annualcommentary about the year that's passed and the year to come. In it you'll learnwhat we believe to be our biggest accomplishments of the past year, as well asa big picture look at what we have planned.
Yes, we kind a sorta hint at what's coming in 2025. Can you figure it out?
We'll have lots more to talk about at ISE 2025 in Barcelona, mentioned above. Sounds like a great reason to join us in February!
Are you lurking on social media? Well, we do more than lurk, and So do many of our customers.
Here's a recent selection of Intuiface projects promoted on social media by their creators. You'll find them to be a great source of inspiration, not to mention these are feel-good moments for some of your Intuiface community buddies. Are you next?
Outdoor information kiosk for a university by Smart Touch on LinkedIn
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