It's becoming a habit! For the third year in a row we'll be hosting our own booth 8-C353 at Integrated Systems Europe 2020.
It's becoming a habit! For the third year in a row we'll be hosting our own booth at Integrated Systems Europe 2020, You'll find Booth 8-C353 packed with all types of interactive technology - touch, beacons, RFID, IoT, etc. - and with many of the Intuiface Experts you've come to know and - possibly - even love. We'll deep dive on any topic that interests you plus we'll showcase our latest innovations and research.
Here's last year's booth. Pretty nice, right? Well we've got a cool spin in store for the upcoming show. You' don't want to miss it, do you?
Here's a preview of what you expect:
Beyond Touch demonstrations: More and more often, interactivity means more than touch. We'll have a few demos set up to show you how easy it is to incorporate sensors and actuators, computer vision, the Internet of Things, and more in your Intuiface work.
Security and Data Integrity briefings: Adopting technology, delivering projects to clients, rolling out content to company devices - it's more than just bits and bytes. We have a big announcement about the way Intuiface can help you manage enterprise-level concerns and we'll have discussions and demonstrations to share.
Trade Show Analytics: We monitor foot traffic and experience usage in our booth, displaying collected data in real-time via a live dashboard - all accomplished through the use of Intuiface Analytics. Learn how you too can incorporate analytics in your projects.
Content Creation Demos: For everything in the booth and more, we lift the curtain to show you how it was created. There are no tricks and no coding. You can build everything we've displayed yourself!
BONUS: To join us at ISE means you're already in Amsterdam, so how about also attending our second annual Intuiface User Conference? It's on February 11, just down the road from the RAI.
DOUBLE BONUS: Enter invitation code 248369 when registering for ISE and your ISE ticket will be FREE!