Revisiting Ordered Collections

We've introduced a few configuration enhancements for all ordered collections, including auto-scroll and - for the Swap Collection - new transition animation options. Here we give you the details.
Collections are logical groupings of items within a single interactive context. If you use Intuiface, you're using collections. Of particular popularity are the ordered collections, collections embedding a notion of sequence, of one item listed after the other. These gallery-like collections are variations on a theme, meaning they have much in common despite possessing unique visual and configurable differences. Those collections are:
- Asset Grid
- Asset Flow
- Carousel
- Helix
- Swap
- Circular Panel
- Ken Burns Effect
With the exception of the Ken Burns Effect Collection, ordered collections are innately constructed to support interaction. Via mouse or touchscreen one can swipe from item to item, select items of interest, manipulate those items - it's part of the job and they do it well. As it turns out, however, there was more we could do with collections.
Intuiface Version 6.4 introduces a few configuration enhancements for all ordered collections other than the Ken Burns Effect Collection. They're proof that we're never finished making Intuiface better.
All ordered collections now support the ability to auto-advance from one item to another without requiring either human intervention or a dance of triggers and actions. The only thing standing between you and an automated playlist is specification of a display duration. And just like the content of a collection, the display duration for each item can be specified locally in the experience or accessed via binding to a third-party data source. Either way, the amount of time spent on each item can be consistent or variable. Further, items remain interactive, meaning users can intervene while a collection is auto-scrolling, interacting with videos, 3D models, etc. This enhancement is a complement to all existing collection behaviors.

Allow Scroll
Collections were visually compelling enough without auto-scroll. With it, they're virtual catnip for any signage audience. What would stop them from touching and attempting to interact with a collection? The "Allow scroll" property would. It's now possible to prevent human interaction - via touch or mouse - from interfering with any ordered collection. For example, by deselecting the "Allow scroll" property, your auto-scrolled playlists would continue on their merry way regardless of what the user attempts to do with them.

Swap Collection Animation
The Swap Collection - formerly known as the Flip Chart Collection - is an ordered collection dedicated to displaying one item at item. The visual transition from one item to another is crucial to the nature of the Swap, so its long-time limitation to flip animation (thus the original name) was a shortcoming in need of improvement. Happily, the time for that improvement is now. Today there are six transition animation options for the Swap Collection. Pick your favorite!

For more information, see the Behavior Properties section of our Help Center article about common collection properties.