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IntuiFace Version Gemini

This is a Guest Blog Post by
Geoff Bessin

IntuiFace Version Gemini - that is, Version 4.7 - is another huge leap for what is already state-of-the-art interactive experience creation. We have giant ambitions for IntuiFace and listen very closely to our customers. This is the result.

There’s so much to talk about in this release that we need some way to organize it. Let’s go with themes!Theme One: Expanded tablet support

  • Android! Create experiences that run on any Android 4.3 or later tablet using Player for Android. It is feature equivalent to Player for iPad, reusing the same HTML5 approach.
  • Tablet support for drag-and-drop deployment in Management Console. Now you can post new or revised experiences to a fleet of iPads and Android tablets in the field without having to leave your desk.
  • Increased expressiveness on both iPad and Android through the addition of things like Excel (yes, Excel on iPad and Android!) and nested collections
  • New service offering - Post-to-Store - in which we take your experience and create a white label app that can be posted to the Apple App Store or Google Play

Theme Two: Address the scaling and operational needs of the Interactive Digital Signage communityStarred items refer to new features in Management Console

  • Assign tags to remotely deployed Players. Use those tags to filter Players and then perform group actions like experience deployment.
  • Upgrade Player software remotely
  • Log and centrally store usage analytics collected from even the largest multi-device deployment. Download the aggregated data into Excel using Management Console or build dynamic queries to produce XML-formatted data for 3rd party analysis.
  • * Publish, share and deploy experiences using on-premise ftp storage. This is a new complement to existing support for Box, DropBox and Amazon S3 cloud accounts.
  • * Remotely restart a Player or reboot a PC
  • *Monitor Player for iPad and Player for Android. Live screenshots of what is currently happening on the in-the-field device, updated every five seconds. This was already possible with Player for Windows.
  • Schedule actions in an experience using Cron notation.
  • Hands-free licensing for large scale deployments

Theme Three: Increase productivity of creative teams

  • Import Adobe Photoshop .psd files using simple drag-and-drop onto Composer.
  • Refresh already imported graphic media by just drag-and-dropping the updated .psd.
  • Export .ai files as .psd to work with Adobe Illustrator as well.

Theme Four: Improve Composer usability and expressiveness

  • Play significantly more video file codecs and streaming formats with the new VLC-based Video Asset on Windows. Includes formats like flv, mkv, mov (QuickTime) and much more. List of video formats supported on iPad and Android have increased as well.
  • Increase engagement-factor with the Webcam asset. Display live feeds from a Windows-connected webcam, then capture snapshots for post-processing (like use of a drawing tool) and sharing as an email attachment or by saving to the local disk.
  • Offer new dataset interaction with the Helix collection. Present items in an interactive DNA-like spiral. Like the Carousel collection, the Helix is endless. It can also rotate automatically or respond to user touches.
  • Increase sophistication of experience behavior using Comparison and Text Manipulationinterface assets. Our developers-in-another-life users will jump for joy but even non-developers will find these to be very useful
  • Enhance map-based experiences with the Address to Coordinate and Coordinate to Address interface assets. Uses Google Maps API to convert addresses into latitude/longitude coordinates or vice versa.
  • Many Composer UI improvements to ease day-to-day work (incl. new New Project window, ghost assets in empty collections, , improved retention of panel sizes and visibility, and much much more.)
  • Three new sample experiences - available for download in the Samples tab of the Composer and Player Experience panels - have been created to illustrate new and existing features: Self-Service Photo Booth, Photo Exhibition and Real Estate Property Search

And yes, there’s still a lot more. You should really consider doing something that’s often suggested but rarely done: reading the release notes. Seriously, so much is new that you may miss some cool capability that would make your life easier and your experiences more powerful.Our Developer team will now take a well deserved rest…. Ok, for just a day. But they earned it!

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Geoff Bessin
Geoff Bessin

I'm Intuiface's Chief Marketing Officer, which means it's my job to get you interested in Intuiface. Once you try it, I know you'll love it.

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