COVID-19 and Intuiface's Business Continuity Plan

Amid widespread concern about the COVID-19 coronavirus, we would like to share Intuiface's operational response and reassure you that we are staffed and organized to support you during these challenging times.
Last updated: 16-Mar-2020 14:40 CET
Remote working - telecommuting - is a standard procedure at Intuiface. All of our employees are able both in terms of organization and of technology to work from anywhere, using secure connections to all platforms required for daily tasks.
As of Monday, March 16, 2020, we have recommended telecommuting for all employees, applicable for an indefinite period. We also remain alert to the advice issued by the World Health Organization, and by French and US government officials, and will take further steps as needed.
Business Continuity Plan
As a result of our ongoing ISO 27001 certification process, initiated more than 12 months ago, we are well-equipped to remotely manage the challenges of business continuity. Our approach is designed to guarantee the availability of services for our customers in the event of natural disasters like COVID-19 or other unforeseen and difficult events.
Our processes and, in particular, our business continuity plan include all of the arrangements and organizational modifications required for exceptional events. The very architecture of our infrastructure and our business recovery plan reduce the risk of a significant impact.
Rest assured that Intuiface makes every effort every day through its infrastructure, its organization and its processes to prepare for dealing with unexpected or difficult events. Our goal is to ensure continuous service operations so our customers can focus on their objectives.
Service Availability
We do not anticipate any impact on the availability of our services. We are making every effort to deliver the high level of availability you have come to expect.
To monitor the health of Intuiface's cloud-hosted services, visit
Sales and Technical Support
Intuiface Sales and Technical Support remains open as usual and can be reached through all existing communication channels: email, Support site, and Community forums.
Future Communications
As events and the instructions issued by official organizations evolve, we will continue to share, with the same transparency, all useful information.
We will regularly update this webpage in response to ongoing developments.